Hair Stylists
Brandon Bolton, IATSE Wig Stylist @ Motown The Musical 1st Nat. Tour
Orlando, Florida, USA
Ron is always a pleasure to work with. His attention to detail and creative eye always shines through his work. Truly a master of hair and makeup.

Testimonials write your own!

Michael Moore, IATSE Wig Stylist
Lansing, Michigan, USA
Having worked professionally with any number of facial hair for live theatre shows, I can say that I am impressed with the workmanship and the subtlety of Ron's product. It is better than anything I am currently using . Something I hope to change soon.

Karen Taylor, IATSE Wig Stylist
Houston, Texas, USA
I worked with Wolek's moustaches in War Horse at the Hobby Center. Ron is awesome to work with and has high quality products and I recomemend them to all my manscaping and hair clients.

Todd Hewitt, Cosmetologist & Founder of The Courtney Project PDL Global Awareness
Orlando, Florida, USA
Having know RonaWolek since he was a young boy, I have watched him as he has matured and grown into a very astute professional, highly crafted and skilled in the art he has so proudly chosen as his career! His level of professionalism and high standards are second to none.
Makeup Artists

Colleen May,
Makeup Artist @ Guerilla FX
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
I had the pleasure of working with the Mustache Parlor's hand-tied mustaches on the Broadway presentation of War Horse (at the Kaufman Center) and I was very impressed by the look and quality of every piece I handled. So much, in fact, I'm looking at buying my own pieces for stage and screen projects of my own!

Greg Manley, Pres. Circle Rules Football Federation & Founder
Pittsburg, Pensylvania, USA
Ron made four full beards for my team in an annual tournament! They were meticulous crafted and transformed our faces beyond my wildest dreams! Ron worked with us to match our hair and personalize each beard's style. By the end of the day, the beards were filled with grass, dirt, and sweat, but they stuck to our faces through it all. Everybody was amazed. The tournament organizer's biggest regret of the day is that the photos were lost and we can only relive the experience in our memory. I'd happily work with him again!
Peg O'Keef, Actor/Director & Prof. @ Rollins College
Polk City, Florida, USA
Ron understands the critical link between fabulous design and real-world (or should I say imaginary world?) usefulness. When I am to play a period role and learn the wigs are by Ron, I breathe a sigh of relief--knowing that my headgear will contribute positively to my performance and that I will feel confident wearing it. I am a fan...from experience!